If your business has employees, you need workers compensation.
Accidents happen. Everyone knows this, but not every business is fully equipped for them. One of the ways that each and every business needs to prepare for mishaps is to have workers compensation. Florida and Georgia businesses owners will be happy they are covered with this policy if any work related accident occurs.
There are two main types of coverage covered by Georgia and Florida workers compensation policies. These are employers’ liability and workers compensation. Florida and Georgia business owners should be advised on what each of these two cover:
Employers’ Liability:
This part of a Georgia and Florida workers compensation policy helps protect the business when employers are sued by a party other than the injured employee. In most cases, this will be a subcontractor of the business.
Workers Compensation:
With the portion on workers compensation, Florida and Georgia residents are able claim to against the business for injury and disability incurred on the job.
Here at Strong Tower Insurance, we want to make sure that your business is able to be there to provide for injured and disabled employees, and that you are able to stay afloat in case of a lawsuit. If you would like more information or a quote on workers compensation policies, please call us and speak to a representative. We will work with you to offer a workers compensation package at competitive pricing.