In the unfortunate event that your company is involved in a lawsuit, Strong Tower Insurance is here to help protect you and your business with directors and officers insurance. This insurance is meant to be a supplemental policy to your business’s general liability insurance.
Directors and Officers Insurance is a specialized type of insurance meant to specifically help protect the management of a company if they are involved in a lawsuit relating to their responsibilities in managing the company.
If you are wondering if your company needs directors and officers insurance, ask yourself the following questions:
- Does your business borrow money or report on financial goals and performance?
- Do you have or are you expecting an initial public offering?
- Does your business have a board of directors?
- Is your company regulated by the government?
- Has your company gone through a restructuring, or are you going through one soon?
If your answer to any of these questions is ‘YES,’ consider calling us at Strong Tower Insurance to discuss our directors and officers insurance policies. We can determine the insurance needs of your business and offer you a policy that fits your needs for a competitive price.